Barrington Middle School 

“We are BMS”

BMS Connected Learning Newsletter: January 31, 2022

The BMS Learning Community is Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Excel! 


Barrington Middle School’s Mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, February 1, 2022 - BMS PTO meeting (virtual)

  • Wednesday, February 2, 2022- BMS Book Club at 8:00am in BMS Media Center

  • Friday, February 4, 2022- Principal Coffe Hour from 7:30 am - 8:30 am (stay tuned for a zoom link)

  • Monday, February 21, 2022 - Friday, February 25, 2022- Winter Break 

Stay Connected with BMS:

This Week’s Schedule: 

Week of January 30, 2022







Non Block






Grade 6 Block

Non Block 7&8


Grade 6 Block Non Block 7&8

BMS Spotlight on Learning!

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on the Co-Teaching Team of Amy Boyle and Jodi Cabral. The rapport that both Ms. Boyle and Ms. Cabral have with their students is evident inside and outside the classroom. Their creative approach to supporting all students’ access to math content and skills, which recently included using hip hop to reinforce math concepts, has all students engaged in a lively and active learning environment. Great job Amy and Jodi! BMS is lucky to have you both!

Do you know of a BMS Faculty/Staff/Student member that is shining bright? If you do, please complete the form below and we can include the nomination in an upcoming newsletter. 

BMS Spotlight Nomination 

~New Items~

The following items are new to this week’s newsletter! 

BMS PTO Meeting: 

Join us for our virtual PTO meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2022, from 7:00 pm -8:00 pm. Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting. 

BMS Book Club:

Join us on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, at 8 AM in the BMS Library to chat about A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus. The author will meet with us virtually, read a passage from the book, and answer some of our questions. Sign up here


At the beginning of March, families will have an opportunity to take part in our annual SurveyWork questionnaire. Please consider participating in this survey as the information you provide will be valuable to us as we continue to move our school and learning community forward. 

Early Dismissal Reminder:

Please note that 2:45 pm is the latest time for students to be dismissed from BMS.  Students must wait until regular dismissal starting at 3:12 pm if they cannot be picked up by 2:45 pm.  Notes for dismissal are much appreciated and are a must if someone other than a parent will be dismissing your student. 

A note from the Student Assistance Counselor

My name is Jordan Rodrigues and I am the Student Assistance Counselor at Barrington Middle School. I am a counselor in the school, here to provide support to students. I also have specialized training in substance use prevention. 

February is Children of Alcoholics Month, which is designed to bring attention to the 1 in 4 children who live in families with alcoholism or addiction – and to offer awareness and education for these children and people who care about them. To bring awareness to this topic, the following activities will be presented to students: 

  • A slide show presented in the Student Union during lunches highlighting celebrities who grew up in homes with parents who use substances, and ways to find support. (7th and 8th grade) 

  • A book display in the library, showcasing books about families who deal with addiction. As well as some helpful information for children who may be affected by substance use. 

  • A special virtual presentation of "Excuse Yourself” by Becky Bowman White. Which educates students on how to safely avoid getting into a car with an impaired driver. (7th and 8th grade) 

Aside from these efforts, I continue to meet with students who may need support. If you feel your child would benefit from meeting with me, please contact me at

~Older Items~

The following items are older but still relevant and important! 

COVID Information- BMS Proof of Vaccination: 

If you have not completed/updated the BMS Proof of Vaccination (Student) form, we do ask that you complete this as soon as possible.. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in completing this form.


Student Voluntary BMS Proof of Vaccination (Student)

COVID Information- Consent to Test: 

By completing the form below you are giving the school permission for your child to be tested for Covid-19 IF he/she is identified as a close contact (home or school) OR if he/she is sick and having symptoms. Please note that this form is NOT permission for weekly asymptomatic testing. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in completing this form. 


Consent for Testing- BMS

Distance Learning Eligibility: 

Students are eligible to engage in distance learning for 3 reasons: 


  1. The student is confirmed COVID-19 positive in the RIDOH portal (PCR or Antigen or Self-Report test entered into the RIDOH portal (note: self-report is allowed the week of Jan 3 but may change).

  2. The student is unvaccinated and designated as close contact by the school and who does not elect to “test to stay.”

  3. The student is unvaccinated and designated a home close contact and who does not elect to “test to stay.”. 



  • School and home close contacts (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) are able to engage in in-person learning.

  • In order for unvaccinated students to engage in in-person learning, they must agree to “test to stay.” 


Once we have this confirmation, we (BMS Admin and/or Nurse Maddy) will add the student to the BMS Distance Learning List 2021 - 2022. 

Students who are not on the list will not be eligible for distance learning but may engage in learning via Canvas. 

Once a student is added to the list, teachers do have 24 hours to prepare for zoom/distance learning. 

BMS Yearbook:

It’s time to order your BMS 2021-2022 Yearbook!  Click here for all the information you need to order!

COVID-19 Protocols: 

Full COVID Protocols are available on the District website by clicking here. Please note that all staff, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask in the building. All visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination, as well.